Archive | March 2019

PAL melee and March practices

I ventured back into the wilds of Massachusetts this month to attend melee practice again. Though the trip is a little rough, I’m able to crash with some delightful people and get in some awesome practice as well with some Northern Army badasses! This time was no different, and though I’m still feeling the effects on my body, I feel like I did something good this time.

We started with the usual warm ups and single sword drills. This time was special, since the largest dude there blasted me in the cup during it (totally 100% my fault). Kinda felt bad because the guy felt horrific that it happened, but hey, I pretty much did it to myself by blocking and moving exactly the wrong way. Lesson learned. After this, we did some different drills than what I’ve done there before. First was a triad drill, but instead of fighting in a box, it was done on a bridge. This drill was great, and we had some awesome people doing command that split us into shields and poles so either could be sent in as needed. After that, we did a drill based on a tactic known as “gates”. This is also mainly for bridge or other small quarters, and it was focused on protecting the spears and using the space efficiently for both offense and defense. I LOVED this drill, made loads of sense, and it gave everything much more of a team feel. We had to work together to be effective, and when we did it was VERY effective. After this, we did broken field battles, regular field battles, and then a reverse Balfar’s drill. That last one is when two triads square off, and the losing team stays, acquires the newest member of the winning team, and goes against a new triad. This was when I got whacked a bit. I went to throw a shot in the thick of it, and my sword got caught and twisted. Jacked up my sword hand again, and a little of my shoulder. I sat out the remainder of the melee so I’d at least be able to do some singles work afterwards.

I only fought two people in singles, Sir Zippy and Kit de Coldwood. Had some excellent passes with both, and really noticed that my renewed focus on footwork was saving me from being immediately one-shotted all the time. I feel like I did ok in both sets, for my current skill level, which I took as a win. Both fighters also gave me some great feedback to chew on and work with afterward.

My biggest takeaway here was that, for the first time in my fighting career, I didn’t feel like I was absolutely useless shit at melee. During defense, I was able to do my part at stopping charges and keep my spears alive, and during offense I was able to get in there and hit their wall, stay alive, and take a few people out. I was also yelling a lot more, echoing commands and setting up some pulses of my own, with admittedly mixed success. I still have a LOT to learn, but that day I felt like I was moving in the right direction. My lady was told something at a roller derby clinic that applies here. Some people are naturals at things, and after a practice they’ve earned 50 cents or a dollar. Others will earn dimes and quarters. Then there are those who fight for each inch, and earn their pennies. May not seem like much, but they cherish those pennies, and they keep collecting them. Soon, they’ll have a dollar, and that dollar will mean a great deal to them because of what it truly represents with regard to their journey. I earned my penny this day, and I’m grateful for it. I’m gonna use that to keep me going, and hopefully I’ll keep earning my pennies.

I haven’t been to practice since, however, since my hand and shoulder are a bit wonky. I’ll start back up next week, with either a greatsword or as a lefty again, since I don’t wanna make anything worse. I know I’m playing it safe, but last time I pushed I really got hurt and was out for months, so best to not make that mistake again.

In other news, I spoke with my local Baron, and he allowed me to gather and run a baronial team for Balfar’s this year. I hit up some people, and it looks like it’ll be me, Antonio, and Ulf, both from Surtr’s Brood. Should be some good times, and this year I’ll be looking to break last year’s streak and get 2 wins in a row, instead of just one. Until then, enjoy some pics from melee practice. Or don’t. Either is fine. But you should, cuz my red tunic was clean and looked all spiffy….and the SOCKS!!!! The white crew socks with grey sneakers! That shit is my secret weapon! I got kills cuz my cringey footwear was mesmerizing!! I mean, dude, how could you resist. Don’t lie, I KNOW you’re gonna look at those pics now, you can’t help it. I’ve entered your mind!!!!


This resulted in a hilarious double kill!




Dude was always yelling….


Dat footwear, tho!