Archive | April 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron Review!!!

So tonight I was lucky enough to enjoy an advanced screening of the new Avengers movie!!! The Lish and I descended upon the theater and watched it in all it’s 3D glory. Scroll down for my review, chock full of SPOILERS!!! You’ve been warned.








They gone? Sweet! So here’s my review in bullet points:

  • I’m a filthy liar.
  • There are no real spoilers in my review, tee hee!
  • They killed Kenny….bastards….
  • I had a great time.
  • The movie is absolutely worth seeing, so go buy tickets.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my thoroughly extensive review. I’ll gripe about the one arguable point in the movie that bugged me later. For now, just see the fucker already!